Publications in international, peer-reviewed journals:
- Helmers, V. and E. van der Werf, ‘Did the German aviation tax have a lasting effect on passenger numbers?', Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2025, 140, 104570 [Open access!!]
- Indrajaya, Y., H.-P. Weikard, F. Mohren and E. van der Werf, ‘Paying for forest carbon: Cost-effectiveness of the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) remuneration scheme', Natural Resource Modeling, 2023, 37(1), e12387 [Open access!!]
- Vollebergh, H., J. Vogel and E. van der Werf, ‘A descriptive framework to evaluate instrument packages for the low-carbon transition', Ecological Economics, 2023, 205, 107717 [Open access!!]
- Degnet, M., E. van der Werf, V. Ingram and J. Wesseler, ‘Community perceptions: comparative analysis of community participation in forest management: FSC-certifiedand non-certified plantations in Mozambique’, Forest Policy and Economics, 2022, 143, 102815 [Open access!!]
- Degnet, M., E. van der Werf, V. Ingram and J. Wesseler, ‘Do locals have a say? Community experiences of participation in governing forest plantations in Tanzania’, Forests, 2020, 11, 782 [Open access!!]
- Henningsen, A., G. Henningsen and E. van der Werf, 'Capital-labour-energy substitution in a nested CES framework: a replication and update of Kemfert (1998)', Energy Economics, 2019, 82, pp.16-25 [Link]
- Basak, R., E. van der Werf, 'Accountability mechanisms for international climate change financing', International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 2019, 19(3), pp.297-313 [Open access!!]
- Van der Werf, E., Y. Indrajaya, F. Mohren and E.C. van Ierland, 'Logging damage and injured tree mortality in tropical forest management', Natural Resource Modeling, 2019, 32: e12210 [Open access!!]
- Buunk, E., and E. van der Werf, 'Adopters versus non-adopters of the Green Key ecolabel in the Dutch accommodation secgtor', Sustainability, 2019, 11(13), 3563 [Open access!!]
- Degnet, M., E. van der Werf, V. Ingram and J. Wesseler, ‘Forest plantations’ investments in social services and local infrastructure: An analysis of private, FSC certified and state-owned, non-certified plantations in rural Tanzania’, Land Use Policy, 2018, 79, pp.68-83 [Link 1] [Link 2]
- Nigussie, Y., E. van der Werf, E. van Ierland, X. Zhu and B. Simane, ‘Evaluation of climate change adaptation alternatives for smallholder farmers in the upper Blue-Nile Basin', Ecological Economics, 2018, 151, pp.142-150 [Link]
- Jiang, Y., E. van der Werf, K. Keesman and E.C. van Ierland, 'The potential role of waste biomass in the future urban electricity system', Biomass and Bioenergy, 2017, 107, pp.182-190 [Link 1] [Link 2]
- Di Maria, C., S. Smulders and E. van der Werf, 'Climate Policy with Tied Hands: Optimal Resource Taxation Under Implementation Lags', Environmental and Resource Economics, 2017, 66(3), pp.537-551 [Link 1] [Link 2]
- Brink, C., H. Vollebergh, and E. van der Werf, 'Carbon Pricing in the EU: Evaluation of Different EU ETS Reform Options', Energy Policy, 2016, 97, pp.603-617 [Link] [WP version]
- Indrajaya, Y., E. van der Werf, H.-P. Weikard, F. Mohren, and E.C. van Ierland, 'The Potential of REDD+ for Carbon Sequestration in Tropical Forests: Supply Curves for Carbon Storage for Kalimantan, Indonesia', Forest Policy and Economics, 2016, 71, pp.1-10 [Link] [WP version]
- Ingram, V., E. van der Werf, E. Kikulwe, and J. Wesseler, 'Evaluating the impacts of plantations and associated forestry operations in Africa -- methods and indicators’, International Forestry Review, 2016, 18(1), pp.44-55 [Link]
- Vollebergh, H., and E. van der Werf, 'The role of standards in eco-innovation: lessons for policymakers', Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 2014, 8(2), pp. 230-248 [Link] [WP version]
- Di Maria, C., I. Lange, and E. van der Werf, 'Should we be worried about the Green Paradox? Announcement effects of the Acid Rain Program', European Economic Review, 2014, 69, pp. 143-162 [Link] [WP version]
- Böhringer, C., A. Keller, and E. Van der Werf, 'Are Green Hopes too Rosy? Employment and Welfare Impacts of Renewable Energy Promotion', Energy Economics, 2013, 36, pp. 277-285 [Link]
- Van der Werf,E., and C. Di Maria, 'Imperfect environmental policy and polluting emissions: the Green Paradox and beyond', International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics, 2012, 6(2), pp. 153-194 [Link] [PDF]
- Di Maria, C., S. Smulders, and E. Van der Werf, 'Absolute abundance and relative scarcity: environmental policy with implementation lags', Ecological Economics, 2012, 74, pp.104-119 [Link] [WP version]
- Van der Werf, E., and S. Peterson, 'Modeling linkages between climate policy and land use: an overview', Agricultural Economics, 2009, 40, pp.507-517 [Link] [WP version]
- Van der Werf, E., 'Production functions for climate policy modeling: an empirical analysis', Energy Economics, 2008, 30(6), pp.2964-2979 [Link] [WP version]
- Smulders, S., and E. van der Werf, 'Climate policy and the optimal extraction of high- and low-carbon fossil fuels', Canadian Journal of Economics, 2008, 41(4), pp.1421-1444 [Link] [WP version]
- Di Maria, C., and E. van der Werf, 'Carbon leakage revisited: unilateral climate policy and directed technical change', Environmental and Resource Economics, 2008, 39(2), pp.55-74 [Link] [WP version]
Other peer-reviewed publications
- Di Maria, C., I. Lange and E. van der Werf, ‘Going full circle: demand-side constraints to the green paradox’. Chapter 10 in Karen Pittel, Frederick van der Ploeg and Cees Withagen (eds.), Climate Policy and Exhaustible Resources – The Green Paradox and Beyond, 2014. Cambridge: MIT Press [WP version]
- Di Maria, C., T.O. Michielsen, and E. van der Werf, ‘Carbon leakage’. In: J.F. Shogren (ed.), Encyclopedia of Energy, Natural Resource, and Environmental Economics, 2013, Vol. 2, pp. 255-259. Amsterdam: Elsevier [Link]
Other publications
- Van der Werf, E., B. Hof, T. Kisters, V. Linderhof and R. Michels, 'Analysekader doeltreffendheid en doelmatigheid van stikstof- en natuurbeleid. Monitoring en evaluatie van het Programma Stikstofreductie en Natuurverbetering', 2024, Den Haag: Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving, Wageningen: Wageningen University & Research [Link]
- Di Maria, C., I. Lange and E. van der Werf, 'Imperfect climate policy unlikely to increase domestic emissions',, 2013, January 6 [Link]
- Van der Werf, E., ‘Moet Nederland inzetten op een versnelde transitie naar groene stroom?’, Economisch Statistische Berichten, 2012, 97 (4643), p.556
- Van der Werf, E.H., H.R.J. Vollebergh and J.A. Oude Lohuis, ‘Energie en klimaat: meer met minder’, chapter 8 in C.A. de Kam, J.H.M. Donders and A.P. Ros (eds.), Miljardendans in Den Haag: overheidsuitgaven en belastingen in analyse, 2010, Sdu Uitgevers, The Hague
- Vollebergh, H., E. van der Werf and J. Oude Lohuis, 'Heroverwegingen energie en klimaat', Tijdschrift voor Openbare Financiën, 2010, 42(2), pp.163-172 [Link]